Ch 301 Sheet Metal Workshop - February 17, 2024
We had 12 attendees at Walt Jazun’s hangar to go through some of the basics of sheet metal riveting and the tools needed and suggested. Builders; Dave Hock (RV-7), Jim Watts (RV-7A) and Tom Corley (RV-12) led the demonstrations and explanations of processes needed to prepare parts, debur, prime, dimple, drill, countersink and rivet. We discussed both solid AN470, AN426 rivets and the pulled Cherry and blind/pop LP4 rivets. We discussed some of the simple but critical steps needed to construct a solid and safe sheet metal structure.
We covered the necessary and “nice to have” tools needed to build many common kits. We explained each of the tools needed and how they worked and showed a few parts that make up a RV-7 tail structure. Attendees got a little hands
on practice dimpling sheet metal and squeezing solid and pulled rivet and demonstration of bucking solid rivets. Shop safety was also discussed. With any sheet metal fabrication project both the metal itself and the tools require respect as there is potential for injury.
Key takeaway
For anyone considering building a sheet metal plane is that the Chapter has considerable tribal knowledge and experience with builders that are more than willing to help you including our 301 Tech Counselor, Hugh Cook. While there are many tools that are needed to construct an airplane keep in mind the chapter has a great tool crib (Randall Eaker is the custodian) with tools not frequently used like digital scales, propeller balancing and swaging tools. We also have a number of members who have built projects that are now flying that might be willing to let you borrow or buy tools no longer needed.